....pabila kau merenung matanya..ku rebah jatuh ke bumi....

My photo
Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I wish I could be your tear drops,for what more could any one ask for then to be conceived in your heart,born in your eyes, live on your cheeks,and die on your lips...


Monday, December 29, 2008

AkU RiNdU KoRaNg!!

Nothing much to say..
Just to Zayriz, Ariel & friends
Aku rindukan korang sumer...
rindu sangat!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

YoU CaN RiSe AbOvE ReALiTy

Courage is the power to face your difficulties.
It comes from the reserves of your mind that are more powerfulthen any of your outside circumstances.
When you recognize that you are bigger than your problems,you gain the courage necessary to overcome anything.
Your obstacles will look large or small to you according towhether you are large or small.
Courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined.
It gives you the ability to rise above reality.
You are more important than any of your problems.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

LiVe AnD AcT In A SpiRiT Of LoVe

The place to begin to improve the world is in your own heart, head and hands.
To get along with others, love them without forcing your love upon them.
Imposing your beliefs on people will not bring you peace.
Have concern for others, respect their rights and freedoms,and let them be themselves.
Do this and you will enjoy peace.
Having consideration for others is the basis of a good life.
Most people are no tagainst you, they are merely for themselves.
Let differing ideas clash, but not those of the heart.
Peace comes to you when you live and act in a spirit of love.

Friday, December 26, 2008

YoU CaNNoT WiTh ThE RaCe UnLeSs YoU RuN

You must take the first step to win any race.
The first step will take some effort and maybe some pain.
But after that, everything you have to do is real - life movement.
Once you're moving you must keep moving.
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desires and begin at once,whether you're ready or not, to put your plan into action.
If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.
You can only fail if you fail to start.
Winning starts with beginning.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas kepada teman-teman aku yang menyambutnya pada hari ini 25 December. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, aku pun merasakan kemeriahanya. So. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i`vE BeEn TaG AgAiN!! NoW By IzWaN

Lerrr!! Kena lagi?!! Kali ni kena tag dengan Iz. Aku tag dia, dia plak tag aku balik!! Dendam kah?? Hahahaha.. Takpe aku cube buat yang terbaik ok!!
  1. Tuliskan 10 perkara psal orang yang tag anda?!
  2. Tulis 10 perkara psal anda?!
  3. Cari 10 orang untuk anda tag (kalau la dapat 10)

Tulis 10 perkara pasal orang yang tag anda?!!

  • Izwan is from Terengganu
  • Anak kedua dari 4 beradik
  • Tidak minum minuman keras & merokok ( gadis2 sila carik dia!! *opss)
  • Minat Arsenal
  • Yup!! He is one of my best friends kat Tagged
  • Still single la.....(katenye...huhuhuhu)
  • Dia memang cute la.. betul-betul cute (Iz!! merendah diri yer??)
  • Berminat ngan Online Games
  • Tengah berusaha untuk mendapatkan berat badan yang ideal & 6 packs
  • Berbasikal setiap hari sebagai salah satu senaman

Tulis 10 perkara pasal anda??!!

  • I friendship lover le...bukan friendly user (ape tu Iz maksud sebenarnya)
  • I ni nakal sebenarnya tau!!
  • Suke surf internet for 24/7
  • And again...... still single and seems like 4everlah gayenye
  • 12 am is my Cenderella time.. sebenarnya nak start online
  • Tinggal ngan famili lagi
  • deep thinker ( suke diamkan diri & tengok karekter orang. I kan pisces)
  • When i talk to peoples, i suke pandang muka & renung mata mereka dalam-dalam.
  • I percaya pada DENDAM ( tp i bukan serial killer lah)
  • Suka memendam rase, kalau bole tak nak orang tau ape2 pasal perasaan yang dipendamkan. (biarkan MISTERI)

Cari 10 orang yang anda TAG??!! (Nice!! but i dapt sikit je orang yg i nak tag)

  1. Zayriz
  2. Ikmal
  3. Naili
  4. Zua
  5. Aril

Monday, December 22, 2008

DuiT HiLaNg

Pada suatu hari di sebuah sekolah rendah, seorang murid menangis tak berlagu dengan hodohnya. Kemudian datang seorang guru mendekati budak itu dan mula bertanya mengapa dia menangis.

Cikgu : Kenapa kamu menangis?
Murid : Duit saya hilang lima ringgit cikgu!!
Cikgu : Ya, sudah jangan menangis lagi, ini cikgu bagi lima ringgit.

Namun begitu, murid itu bertambah menangis dan kali ini lebih teruk dari yang tadi. Cikgu itu berasa hairan dan pelik melihat murid itu lalu bertanya kepada murid itu lagi.

Cikgu : La.. mengapa menangis lagi? Bukankah cikgu dah gantikan duit kamu yang hilang itu??
Murid : "Ya cikgu, tapi kalau duit saya tak hilang tadi sekarang dah ada sepuluh ringgit!!!
Cikgu : ??!!!

BaHaYa PeNgGuNaAn TeLeFoN BiMbiT SeMaSa MeMaNdU!!

Tahukah anda menggunakan telefon bimbit sambil memandu sama bahayanya dengan memandu dalam keadaan mabuk?? Menurut pakar saintis mendakwa, panggilan telefon bimbit sebenarnya lebih banyak mengganggu tumpuan pemandu berbanding penumpang yang gemar berbual kerana ini menyebabkan pemandu memandu terlalu rapat dan hilang arah jalan.

Kajian tersebut juga mengatakan, penggunaan kit bebas tangan bukanlah perkara terbaik semasa memandu kerana menghalang penumpang yang ada bersama pemandu daripada membantunya. Kajian yang dibuat itu menjelaskan mengenai tindak balas tubuh terhadap penggunaan telefon bimbit yang akan membawa cara pemanduan berbahaya.

Pakar juga mendapati tahap reaksi seseorang pemandu menjadi perlahan apabila bercakap menggunakan telefon bimbit sama ada melibatkan pemandu baru ataupun pemandu yang mahir. Dan didapati pemandu yang menggunakan telefon bimbit ketika memandu adalah sama bahayanya dengan pemandu yang memandu dalam keadaan mabuk.

Ini menjelaskan bahawa kita juga masih lagi berada pada tahap yang merbahaya sekiranya perkara ini tidak dihindarkan.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


LOVE touches,

Keeps all the memories,

It will never fade,

As long as we have faith

Love is like,

Rays of light,

Thought frozen heart,

And world of hatred

As long as we love each other,

Nothing would matter,

Our lives turn for better,

As love will flutter,

Like sunrise at the end of winter

Without love,

The world can never move,

As dull as the darkness,

No eyes can witness,

The result is meaningless

JuSt foR LaUgH!!

Audra : Mom, please ask for a new teacher for me?!

Mom : Why, dear??

Audra : My teacher can never make up her mind. The day before yesterday she said five and four make nine and today it`s three and six that make nine.

Mom : ??!!


Teacher : Which is further away, Azrai, the moon or China?

Azrai : Very easy! Of course China is further away.

Teacher : What makes you think so??

Azrai : Because we can see the moon on any clear night but we can`t see China.

Teacher : ??!!


Aku ialah aku
Aku ialah diriku
Tanpa diriku siapalah aku
Aku yang bernama aku
Aku tidak tinggal di teratak emas
Aku hanya tinggal di pondok usang
Aku tidak belajar
Aku hanya melihat
aku tidak makan berlian
Tetapi aku hanya minum air sungai
Yang biasa mengalirkan rasa duka nestapa
Di dalam diriku.
Aku ada hati
Tapi tiada orang memahaminya
Aku ada mata
Tiada orang mahu melihatnya
Aku ada mulut
Tiada orang mahu menggunakannya
Aku ada hidung
Tiada bau yang menarik orang lain
Aku ada telinga
Tiada orang mahu menafaatkannya.
Sering aku lihat
Yang punya telinga
Pekakkan pada kebenaran
Yang punya hidung
Bau hanya pada harta dan pangkat
Yang punya mulut
Tidak menafikan kepalsuan
Yang punya hati
mencelupnya dalam kegelapan
Sehingga terlihat noda-noda
Yang tidak dapat dihapuskan
sehinggakan Nur keimanan
Tidak dapat menembusi kegelapan itu...

Be ThE BeSt WhAtEvEr YoU ArE - PoEm By DoUgLaS MaLLoCh

This is my fav poem by Douglas Malloch..
If you can`t be a pine on the top of the hill,
be a scrub in the valley - but be
the best little scrub by the side of the hill,
be a bush, if you can`t be a tree.
if you can`t be a bush, be a bit of the grass,
and some highway happier make
if you can`t be a mushie, then just be a bassbut the liveliest bass in the lake.
We can`t be a captains, we`ve got to be a crew,
there`s somethings for all of us here,
there`s big work to do and there`s lesser to do,
and the task we must do is the near.
If you can`t be a highway, then just be a trail,
if you can`t be the sun, be a star,
it isn`t by size that you win or you fail,
be the best whatever you are.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

TiDuR , TeMpOh & KuALiTiNyA..

Post kali ini aku nak berkongsi ngan korang mengenai tidur & kepentingannya pada kita. minggu lepas aku tertarik nak bace mengenai tidur ni kat dalam keratan akhabar, so aku dan sunting sedikit & ambik yang mana perlu untuk kita kongsi & renungkan bersama yer..

Dizaman yang serba moden dan sibuk kini, untuk mempunyai tidur yang mencukupi dan memuaskan agak sukar diperolehi oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat dunia.

Ini kerana beberapa kajian yang telah dijalankan oleh pakar jelas menunjukkan masyarakat sekarang berisiko berhadapan dengan akibat bahaya kerana tidur dalam jankamasa waktu yang singkat sedangkan manusia memerlukan antara 7 hingga 8 jam tidur setiap hari.

Kekurangan masa dan kualiti tidur seseorang itu boleh menghakis fungsi badan dan keupayaannya serta boleh mendedahkan kita dengan risiko pelbagai ancaman penyakit seperti penyakit jantung, diabetis dan lain-lain lagi.

Permasalahan kualiti tidur ini telah menarik dan menjadi perhatian pakar penyelidik kerana dikhuatiri akan menjejaskan hidup penduduk dunia berbanding dengan masalah kurang tidur (imsonia).

Punca utama masalah kualiti tidur yang dikenalpasti dan diberi perhatian ialah berlakunya halangan laluan udara salur pernafasan seperti Apnea Tidur Halangan (OSA) yang menyebabkan penghidap sering terjaga (tersentak) dari tidur ataupun berhenti bernafas selama 30 saat, berkali-kali setiap malam. Pakar juga berpendapat ada kaitan diantara kualiti tidur dan daya pemikiran seseorang itu.

' Tidur Gelombang Perlahan" atau lebih juga dikenali sebagai tahap tidur yang nyenyak sebelum seseorang itu mencapai tahap tidur bermimpi (REM) dikatakan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting bagi membantu manusia menyelesaikan masalah.

Namun begitu, pakar juga mendapati gangguan tidur seperti bunyi bising dari luar, faktor usia, dengkuran pasangan mahupun OSA boleh mengakibatkan terjejasnya daya ingatan seseorang itu untuk berminggu-minggu lamanya. Ini kerana, keadaan gangguan yang diterima boleh menghakis atau menjejaskan proses pembentukkan sel-sel baru didalam bahagian memori otak (hippocampus) seseorang itu sewaktu tidur.

Pusat Pencegahan Dan Kawalan Penyakit yang beroperasi di Amerika Syarikat telah merumuskan bahawa, keadaan tidak cukup atau kurang kualiti tidur sebagai salah satu masalah kesihatan dunia yang kurang diberi perhatian serta pentingnya kualiti tidur seseorang itu.

Kajian awal juga menunjukkan peningkatan risiko kanser sebanyak 47% bagi mereka yang kurang tidur dari 7 jam tidur setiap hari. Tetapi, ada juga segelintir dari mereka yang telah membiasakan diri tidur selama 4 jam (mungkin bagi mereka ia tidur yang nyenyak) sudah mencukupi.

Walaubagaimanapun, kebanyakkan pakar sebulat suara bersetuju bahawa gangguan seperti OSA atau mana-mana tahap apnea tidur(gangguan aliran udara), gangguan luar dan jarak atau kekangan masa untuk tidur perlu diatasi dengan segera bagi mengembalikan dan mengekalkan semula kualiti tidur seseorang itu.

Masyarakat dunia juga dinasihatkan untuk meninggalkan atau mengelak amalan "bulimia tidur" atau lebih dikenali sebagai sikap suka tidur lewat pada setiap malam dan sikap suka menghabiskan masa hujung minggu dengan tidur sepuas-puasnya. ini bertujuan untuk menghindarkan diri dari masalah kurang tidur.

Anda tidak perlu berasa bersalah sekiranya mengimpikan atau menginginkan tidur yang puas selagi anda memenuhi keperluan waktu rehat yang cukup dan tidak menjejaskan tanggungjawab harian anda.
- dipetik dari Berita Minggu
- disusun & di sunting oleh Azrols

i`vE BeEn TaG By SoFi!!

Halloooo!! Sebelum aku startkan new post aku ni, aku nak mintak maaf bebanyak terutamanya Sofi kerana tak membalas semula setelah si Sofi ni mengeTAG aku.. dan aku pun bukan mahir sangat mende-mende tag ni coz this is my 1st time kena tag.. Dalam minggu ni aku ade masalah sikit ngan internet connection..entah ape punye problem pun aku tak tau!! So, to all of you.. sorry yer coz membisu tanpa berita tapi... tetap gegeh ni nak membalas balik ape yang Sofi mahukan setelah dia mengeTAG aku.... yang bersyarat...ini syarat-syaratnya..

1. tulis 10 perkara pasal orang yang tag anda
2. tulis 10 perkara pasal anda
3. cari 10 orang untuk anda tag
this is the tag
1. tulis sepuluh perkara pasal orang yang tag anda... (alamak!! Sofi.. i baru jer kenal u..tp i cuba na..
* From Pantai Timur
* Kawan baik Ikmal
* Suke makan aiskrim (*opsss!! aiskrim ape tu??)
* suke karaoke
* dalam seminggu dua ni ade sikit moody (*opsss!!)
* berbintang Libra
* Berminat dengan internet & gadget
* ada 8 blog followers termasuk aku (hihihihi)
* Fav music R&B & hip hop
* bela ikan virtual dalam blog!! (kui!! Kui!!)

2. tulis sepuluh perkara pasal anda
* umur 28 tahun
* anak sulung dari 3 beradik
* berbintang pisces
* suke bergurau
* suke melaser
* friendship lover
* kuat berangan
* yup!!! still single la..la..la
* manja
* I`m fierce!! (*opss)

3. carikan 10 orang untuk anda tag (ape?! sepuluh? ramainye.. follower aku fun ade 6 jer.. aku amik 3 je lah!!)

~~ Naili
~~ Izwan
~~ Hard Die

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ThErE Is No FaiLuRe ExCePt In NoT TrYiNg

You cannot be beaten at anything until you quit in your own mind.
There is no defeat except from within.
You have no real insurmountable barrier except your own inherent weakness of purpose.
Consider yourself on a very long journey.
Sustain your personal vision of success.
In the end, you can only fail if you do not try.
Success is a road paved with perseverance.
The odds are with you if you keep on trying.
Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.
If you've got the never to try to make it, you will.

InTeRnEt PrObLeM..

Ok!! Kalau korang bace post aku yang ni, bermakna aku ni sebenarnya kat CC yer.. Sebab pc kat umah aku ade masalah sikit ngan internet connection. So, tetap gegeh merajinkan kaki ke cc semata-mata nak online.. dan yang pasti nak postkan this matter. Oklah!! Kalau aku tak updatekan blog aku dalam beberape hari ni, korang paham-paham sendirilah yer..
*Err.. Zayriz!! I think this is my turn to biarkan blog ni jadi sarang tebuan atau busut untuk sementara waktu yer...? *Opss

Monday, December 15, 2008

My NeW TeDdY bEaR!!

Arghh!! Terpakse taip post ni cecepat coz aku skang ni ade problem ngan internet connection entah ape punye masalah pun aku tak tau!! Disebabkan aku ni 24/7 suke mengadap internet ni, aku gi la umah kawan baik aku si Mie Abadi yang tak berape jauh dari umah aku semata-mata nak gune internet dia.. Alih-alih langkah kanan, Mie terus aje bagi aku teddy bear ni.. For X`mas katenye.
Wahhhh!!! Thanks Mie... akan aku jaga teddy ni macam aku jaga BF aku..*oppsss! BF?? No way.. i am still single & perhaps still looking for someone... Siape yer?????

Sunday, December 14, 2008

NaSiB HaRi MiNgGu Ku!! BoSaN!!

Bosannn!!.. Hari minggu ni aku tak buat ape pun. Duduk umah layan internet jah!! Itupun dah berkali-kali cube nak connect internet tapi buat hal plak.. Hello Encik TM!! Ini bukan zaman dial up lagi yer?!*opsss.. Kat umah tinggal sorang caz famili ke Kajang ada sepupu bertunang. Aku bab-bab bertunang nih dinchh layan sangat.. So, nak menceriakan hari minggu aku yang bosan ni, aku layan jer la clip nih.. Mesti korang dah tengokkan?! Lawak..tapi menghiburkan.. Tajuk lagu.. Nasib Seorang Janda by Zaleha Hamid.. tapi aku bukan janda yer....BALU!!*Matila statement..

LeT Me ThiNk AbOuT It - IdA CoRr Ft FeDdE Le GrAnT

Wahhh!! suke lagu ni.. teruzzz felling jadi model VICTORIA`S SECRET.. Lagu untuk fashion show last year punye jerr.. Terus berangan ni pakai wings kat blakang!!! *Opsss

Haa!! Ape lagi?? Catwalk ler?!! la..la..la

WhAt Is SeXy??

On the surface, sexy seems elusive, impossible to quantify. To play out this hunch, I asked people all over the country to tell me what "sexy" meant to them. And I found something interesting.
Turns out, "sexy" is a kooky amalgam of easily defined elements. So let’s break down the semi-universally agreed upon elements of sex appeal, shall we?

Looks. We’re all visually stimulated, so naturally "sexy" involves some level of physical attraction. But what attracts one person may repel another. For Mihail, an entrepreneur from the Bay Area, "Sexy means eyes that pierce yours, lips that exude sexuality, clothes that hang off you just right." For Flora, a Seattle-based writer, "Sexy is a couple of tattoos and a motorcycle." For me, it’s great hair and mischievous eyes.

Smarts. Brainpower gets high marks even out of the classroom. "When a woman’s intellect matches up with mine—or even slightly exceeds it—it’s very sexy," says Bob, a Hartford banker. "It makes her a little mysterious. I could really learn something from her. And you know how guys are always hot for teacher." Darren, a Long Island-based college student, boils it down further. "Someone who has nothing particularly interesting to say is simply not sexy." Personally, I find intellectual stimulation to be very exciting.

Laughs. Everybody likes to laugh, especially women. Studies show that chicks dig guys who possess good senses of humor. No one’s really sure why. But hang on, fellas. Don’t go signing up for that stand-up comedy workshop down at the community college just yet. "It’s not about a routine or shtick," says Lisa, a graduate student at the University of Chicago. "That backfires most of the time because it’s so rehearsed. I’m talking about honest humor—whether it’s dry Brit wit or outrageous physical comedy." If a guy can’t get a laugh from me, he’s probably not going to get anything else either.

Confidence. Perhaps the ne plus ultra of that je ne sais quoi. "Confidence is being okay with who you are, accepting of yourself," says Chad, an L.A actor. "A confident person knows where he is, who he is and what he wants. And he’s doing what it takes to get it." For me, confidence is knowing your own power, gifts and flaws and embracing them without apology or arrogance.
On its own, any of these attributes might be enough to get you interested in someone. But the real magic happens when you meet someone with all of these elements in just the right proportions.
What makes sexy different for each of us, however, is our unique blend of the individual elements. We each tailor the recipe to our own tastes. You might put a higher value on humor than looks, which is why the person your friend finds dead sexy doesn’t elicit the same response from you.
Lynne, a PR professional from Austin, explains it this way: "It’s like working in chemistry class. You get 'just a little bit of this', add 'just enough of that' and then 'just the right amount of the last ingredient,' and it goes BOOSH!"
- from Margot Carmichael Lester, Match.com

AkU MaNgSa EdiT KeNgKaWaN FaCeBoOK!!

Jahat!! Jahat!! Jahat!!!....

Whuaaaa.... tetiba jer tadi bila aku log in Facebook aku yang dah berkarat tu, tetibe jah!! Aku dikejutkan ngan gambar ni... Motif??!! Kengkawan Facebook aku yang sebenarnya kengkawan baik aku mase sekolah tu mendajalkan aku ngan mengedit gambar aku dah rupa Alien Workshop!! Mencikk!! Mencikk!!!! Tapi nampak peliks la Uolsss!! aku tau sape punye angkara ni.... Wannyyyyyyy!!!! Nanti ko!!!!! Aku edit gambar ko plak biar jadi Sister Ngesot!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

EvErYbOdY, SoMeBoDy, AnYbOdY, NoBoDy

There was a short story about four people named Everybody,Somebody,Anybody and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done before 6pm and Everybody was really sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it!
Now, when Somebody got really angry about that because it was Everybody job, Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody would`t do it.
So, it ended up that Everybody blame Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. ~Hikss!!

BuDaK GiLa..BuDaK GaYa

Di hari-hari lemah tersungkur
kala ini satu-satu gaya dan rasa
Berputar di bayangan mata
Tanpa rasa cetusan kasihan simpati
Budak-budak gila seperti AKU
Inginkan angin-angin kebebasan
Keremajaan kedewasaan masih belum
Jadi satu...satu...satu
Sebagai satu cetusan kasihan simpati
Orang-orang bergaya patut berhati
iItupun jika ikhlas sedar inginkan
kejayaanku titik darah bangsamu
Budak-budak gila seperti AKU lagi
Tiada kesal Bengang Mati
Tertitik rasa kesal keinsafan
Ilmu sopan tanggungjawab berhemat
Bagaimana budak-budak BERGAYA

Hormat lawa terdidik
Belum lagi diakui jika
Budak-budak GILA seperti AKU

Tiada rasa dikasihani lagi

BiCaRa SePi SeOrAnG AkU

Tika itu...

aku digenggam kesunyian

Ibarat kapal belayar malam

Menuju pelabuhan sepi tak terusik

hanya untuk satu persinggahan

Bertemankan luka dan derita


Semuanya menambat rasa

alih rupa pohon kelapa sawit

Tukar wajah ladang getah

Bisa saja menggamit sendu

Rindu lalu bertaburan


Hujan gerimis senjakala

bagai bebunga hiba pilu

Di luar jendelaku

Hujan turun tiada melodi

Mentari jua tiada simpati


Aku seorang pelukis

Bersama sebuah kanvas putih bersih

Juga warna-warna yang beraneka

Pasti kucoretkan

Lukisan kegembiraan

Masih kuingat...

Suara seorang tua

Tanpa budi, tanpa simpati

Asing dan sepi

Hanya mengundang air mata yang pedih


Aku tidak kembali lagi

Aku pengembara di antara mata waktu

Dadaku sebak diiringi sendu

Jangan dilagukan nada sedih

Melontar jauh segala derita

dan biarkan ia jauh


Semuanya mungkin

Mungkin tiada kesampaian

Aku hanyalah aku

Yang mencoretkan kata bingkisan usang

Dari bicara sepi seorang aku...Azrol

ThE FuTuRe

The future is unknown,
It is time that comes and then goes,
it is time that has to come,
No matter what is said and done.
When we think of tomorrow,
We wonder if it will be joyful or sad?
No one can tell, no one can say,
For it is something no one ever knows.
Though the future is not far from the past,
Since years go by very fast,
It should not matter that what tomorrow will be,
For it is only today we can see.

YoU'Re ALwAyS In ChArGe Of YoU

You're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
While your character is formed by circumstances, your own desires can do much to shape those circumstances.
Thus, you have the power over the formation of your own character.
Nature is always at work around you.
Your character and destiny are her handiwork.
She/He gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.
You have the power to choose which impulse you will follow.
You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life.
No one can ever take that away from you.
The greatest power you possess is the power to choose.
You're the master of your joys and your sorrows.

AsMaRaDaNa AIM 2005 - TiArA JaQuELiNa

I just luvvv the routine.. Luv it so much!! So, saje je nak share ngan korang walaupun dah basi!! Lalalalalala

I WiLL SuRViVe - GLoRiA GaYnOr

Malas nak cakap banyak.. Korang layan je la lagu ni. Bagi aku lagu ni memang layak digelar lagu sepanjang zaman, kan?? Ramai btol peminat lagu ni terutamanya golongan unique mcm kita. Have Fun!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

WeLcOmE To BLoGsPoT Iz!!

Cute tak?? Ok this cute guy name is Izwan from Terengganu. Dia ni kawan baru aku kat Tagged & i tell u, this my new friend ni sangat baik & kreatif tau?!!. Baru je menjinak-jinakkan diri dalam arena blog-blog ni so, Iz!! Well Done To You.. Harap segala impian & harapan U akan tercapai..
Kalau korang nak berkenalan dengan lebih lanjut dengan tuan punye blog ni, sudi-sudikanlah lawat kat blog dia yer...

DeSiRe Is ThE FiRe Of LiFe

If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.
Your desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact.
Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But if you want to do something bad enough,you'll find a way to get it done.
Your reality forms around your commitment to succeed.
If you're willing to pay the price, your circumstances will change.
You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

KaLi TeRaKhiRKu LiHaT WaJaHmU - Uji RaShiD

Sedap & sedihnya lagu ni kan?? KALI TERAKHIRKU LIHAT WAJAHMU by Uji Rashid. Aku memang suke lagu ni sejak dari kecik lagi tapi ni bukan video clip sebenar tau coz zaman Kak Uji dulu takde mende2 ni.. Video ni plak entah sape punye nostalgia mase sekolah dulu2 pun aku tak tau... Tapi aku amik jugak sebab aku suke lagu ni.. Kalau korang nak tau lagu ni diciptakan khas untuk Uji Rashid yang mengenai saat-saat akhir arwah adik beliau Lat yang mengidap barah. So, dengarla lagu ni yer?! Felling kannn??

ThiNk In TeRmS Of WhAt ThE OtHeR PeRsOn WaNtS

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement,
all success, all achievement in real life grows.
Your success depends on the support of other people.
You can get anything you want in life if you're willing to help enough,
other people get what they want.
The only hurdle between you and what you want to beis the support of others.
You cannot hold a torch to light another's path
without brightening your own.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

YoU ArE WhAt YoU ThiNk!!

It's a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplish

you must first impress upon your subconscious mind.

Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor,

loved or unloved, happy or unhappy,

attractive or unattractive,

powerful or weak.

What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become.

Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image.

You'll affect your subconsciousmind with verbal repetition.

Constant repetition carries conviction.

When you change your values you'll change your behavior.

Start thinking of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.

Self suggestion will make you the master of yourself.

You can become whatever you want to be.

When you believe you can, you can.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CiNtA YaNg PeRgi..

Ku anyamkan puisi indah
Untuk merawat hati yg gundah
Berlalu sudah episod cinta yang indah
Tak perlu di kesali aku harus pasrah
Di jambatan sepi ini
Aku meniti sendiri
Mengenang hari-hari yang silih berganti
Mengenang ceritera cinta yang pantas berlari
Aku mengharapkan cahaya mentari
Menyinari hari-hari suram
Menerangi awan hitam
Dan menyuluh kegelapan malam
Ya Allah ya tuhanku
Hanya kau yang bisa memahami
Segala keperitan yang aku alami
Sesungguhnya kau pencipta alam yang aku geruni
Jika benar ini takdirMu
Berikanlah aku kekuatan diri
Damaikanlah hati nurani
Tabahkanlah jiwa ini
Agar aku dapat menjalani jambatan api ini
Jika ini juga kehendakMu
Biarkanlah cinta itu pergi
Biarkan cerita itu mati
Tumbuhkan lah yg telah mati
Gantikanlah cinta yang pergi….

YoUr TriALs & SoRRoWs DeVeLoP YoU!!

Trouble is the common denominator of living. It's the great equalizer of life. Whatever good or bad fortune comes your way,give it meaning and transform it into something of value. Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. All growth means change and change always involves risks,stepping from the known to the unknown. All of your growth depends on activity. It only comes from continuous effort and struggle. Life chips and pounds you to bring out your possibilities. She will strip you of wealth, humble your pride,humiliate your ambition, let you down from the ladder of fame,and discipline you in a thousand different ways,if she can develop a little character - everything gives way to that. Wealth is nothing, position is nothing, fame is nothing. Who you become inside is everything. What happens to you is not as important as how you react to what happens.

BiRtHdAy ChArAcTeRiStiCs

January 01 - 09 ~ Dog
January 10 - 24 ~ Mouse
January 25 - 31 ~ Lion

February 01 - 05 ~ Cat
February 06 - 14 ~ Dove
February 15 - 21 ~ Turtle
February 22 - 28 ~ Panther

March 01 - 12 ~ Monkey
March 13 - 15 ~ Lion
March 16 - 23 ~ Mouse
March 24 - 31 ~ Cat

April 01 - 03 ~ Dog
April 04 - 14 ~ Panther
April 15 - 26 ~ Mouse
April 27 - 30 ~ Turtle

May 01 - 13 ~ Monkey
May 14 - 21 ~ Dove
May 22 - 31 ~ Lion

June 01 - 03 ~ Mouse
June 04 - 14 ~ Turtle
June 15 - 20 ~ Dog
June 21 - 24 ~ Monkey
June 25 - 30 ~ Cat

July 01 - 09 ~ Mouse
July 10 - 15 ~ Dog
July 16 - 26 ~ Dove
July 27 - 31 ~ Cat

August 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse
August 26 - 31 ~ Turtle

September 01 - 14 ~ Dove
September 15 - 27 ~ Cat
September 28 - 30 ~ Dog

October 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
October 16 - 27 ~ Turtle
October 28 - 31 ~ Panther

November 01 - 16 ~ Lion
November 17 - 30 ~ Cat

December 01 - 16 ~ Dog
December 17 - 25 ~ Monkey
December 26 - 31 ~ Dove

If you are a Dog: A very loyal and sweet person.Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends,all of them being quality-personified.

If you are a Mouse: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder, people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-togethers. However, you are sensitive, which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!

If you are a Lion: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....

If you are a Cat: An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy,with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool, when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.

If you are a Turtle: You are near to perfect and nice at heart.The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people.You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return.You are generous enough.Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.

If you are a Dove: You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life.Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected.In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love....

If you are a Panther: You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk.You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group.Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.

If you are a Monkey: Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!